Michael Aaron Wheeler, OD

Michael Aaron Wheeler, OD, Mercy

Michael Aaron Wheeler, OD


  • Optometry

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About Michael Aaron Wheeler, OD

Care Philosophy The visual system has interested me since I was very young. The way the eyes work and the way they are so related to all of our bodily systems has been exciting. Going through college, going through school in St. Louis, seeing the interconnectedness of the eyes and the health of the body in total is amazing, and the eyes are like the window to the health of the body. Most interesting about my job from day to day is being able to see the excitement on the patients' faces each and every time that we step into the room and improve their vision. It's a wonderful thing every day to step into Mercy's clinics and work with the best people.
Optometry Education
  • Optometry-University of Missouri - Saint Louis
  • Mercy Hospital Springfield
  • English
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