It is the policy of Mercy Hospital St. Louis- School of Radiologic Technology to recruit applicants for admission without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, age, or disability except where such condition is a bona fide occupational qualification for the field of Radiologic Technology.
Applicants must be a graduate of an accredited high school or equivalent, maintained a 2.5 or better grade point average, and achieved a composite score on the ACT of 18 or better.
An associate’s (or more advanced) degree, or a completion baccalaureate degree program in Radiography is required prior to applying. More details are included below.
Tuition and fees for the Mercy Hospital St. Louis School of Radiologic Technology Program:
- $35 Application fee
- $100 deposit upon acceptance; applied toward Year I tuition
- $4,725.00 per year
(Approximately $1,200 additional expense for book and uniform expense that will be purchased independent of tuition/fees to Mercy)
Tuition may be paid in one of the following manners:
- Annually (August 15)
- Semester (August 15, January 15)
- Quarterly (August 15, November 15, January 15, April 15)
- Monthly (August through May ,15th of each month)
Inability to pay tuition as indicated must be designated in writing and submitted to the School Office upon receipt of the tuition statement. Failure to remit tuition due within twenty days of payment will provide for a $5.00 service charge for each month that payment due is late.
Tuition not paid in full by the specified dates may result in dismissal from the program.
Transcripts will not be released if any tuition is past due for any reason.
The program does not participate in any Title IV financial programs.
*An applicant who provides written notice of cancellation within three days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and federal and state holidays) of submitting application fee or enrollment deposit is entitled to a refund of all monies paid. If notice is not received as stated, the application fee/enrollment deposit then becomes non-refundable
Withdrawal from the program requires written notification of that desire communicated to the School Office.
Refunds for tuition are made according to the following guidelines:
Tuition paid for a semester which has not yet begun will be refunded. Upon notification of acceptance into the program, a $100.00 non-refundable deposit becomes due. This deposit will be credited toward tuition upon entry in the Program. Fees and deposits are not refundable.
- Withdrawal prior to June 1----------------100% of tuition refunded
- Withdrawal prior to December 1---------50% of tuition refunded for annual payment
- Monthly payments will not be refunded unless advance payments were made.
- Quarterly payments 25% of tuition refunded if withdrawal prior to end of quarter.
Grading Scale
A A+ 99-100%
A 95-98%
A- 93-94%
B B+ 91-92%
B 88-90%
B- 85-87%
C C+ 83-84%
C 79-82%
C- 75-78%
F Below 75%
P/F Pass/Fail
I Incomplete
- Grades are based on tests, quizzes, assignments, and class participation.
- Class attendance is mandatory. Missed classes could result in a deduction in semester grade.
- Students must be present for scheduled tests/quizzes, otherwise a 10% deduction will be applied. Tests/quizzes must be made up within 3 scheduled days or a zero will be recorded. Written verification from a physician or documentation of death in the family will override the 10% deduction.
- Students must maintain a C average or a 2.0 accumulative GPA to continue in the program. Any student receiving below a C average or a 2.0 accumulative GPA at semester may be dismissed from the program.
- Failure of a Major course at each semester, the student may be dismissed from the program. Students that are failing at quarter will be placed on academic probation until the end of the semester.
- Students must also maintain a B average or an 85% in the clinical education. Any grade below a B average or an 85% is considered a failing grade.
- All materials containing student grades (homework, quizzes, tests) will be given directly to the student in person.
- Student progress/grades are discussed individually with students on a quarter and semester basis.
- Quarter grades will utilize +/-; Semester grades will be solid letter grade.
From July through March, competed applications, transcripts, personal or professional references will be accepted for enrollment in the class beginning the following July. A $35 application fee must be included.
The top applicants will be eligible for interviews based on transcripts, applications and ACT/standardized testing scores. After interviews have been completed, the Admissions Committee will again review each applicant’s file and the top candidates will be selected. Letters of acceptance or denial will then be mailed. A $100 enrollment deposit is required upon acceptance and will be applied toward Year I tuition.
Because of limited enrollment capacity, the Program must realistically offer few student positions. Therefore, should an applicant decide to accept student position or terminate consideration of the application, he/she is expected to notify the School of Radiologic Technology in writing of such action immediately.
An applicant who provides written notice of cancellation within three days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and federal and state holidays) of submitting application fee or enrollment deposit is entitled to a refund of all monies paid. If notice is not received as stated, the application fee/enrollment deposit then becomes non-refundable.
To apply Submit by March 1:
1. Completed Application
2. $35 application fee
3. Three reference letters
4. Transcripts (including ACT)
5. Job shadow verification
Mail to:
School of Radiologic Technology
Mercy Hospital St. Louis
615 South New Ballas Road
St. Louis, MO 63141
It is the policy of Mercy Hospital St. Louis School of Radiologic Technology to recruit applicants for admission without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, age, or disability except where such condition is bona fide occupational qualification for the field of Radiologic Technology.
Applicants must be a graduate of an accredited high school or equivalent and maintained a 2.5 or better GPA. ACT/standardized testing scores are requested. An associate (or more advanced) degree, or a completion baccalaureate degree program in Radiography is required prior to applying.
Suggested prerequisite courses:
A. Mathematics/Logical reasoning*
College Algebra
B. Communication*
C. Information Systems
Computer course
D. Social/Behavioral Sciences
E. Natural sciences
Anatomy &Physiology
*Sections A and B are mandatory requirements. The remaining sections are suggested courses.
A minimum 4-hour job shadow in a Hospital radiology department is also required. Arrangements can generally be made through a facility of your choice. We offer these at our facility M-F 7AM-3PM. https://www.mercy.net/forms/mercy-shadow-observation-experience/
A maximum of eight students are selected into the program each year. Should the applicant be accepted to enter the School of Radiologic Technology, the student must pass the routine physical, drug testing and background check given free of charge by Mercy. The student must be able to perform all required technical and physical standards of a student in the Radiologic Technology Program.
This program does not accept transfer students/credits from other colleges or radiologic technology programs.
Missouri State University, University of Central Missouri, and Missouri Baptist University will accept transfer of credit from this program to complete an associate’s/ baccalaureate degree in radiography.
Other colleges and/or universities may accept transfer credits on an individual basis.
Acceptance of credit is always up to the receiving institution unless specified in an articulation agreement or Memorandum of Understanding.