
NeuroCritical Care Curriculum

Option 1 – Block Rotations in Months

Using the template provided below for Appendix C, describe in block form the typical curriculum for fellows by months including the institution.

Curricular components may be offered in blocks or longitudinally. An example of the latter is a regularly scheduled clinic attended over a period of time while assigned to other rotations. Those components offered in block assignments each year should be recorded in the block template. Those clinical experiences offered longitudinally should be recorded separately in the longitudinal templates by year. You should not include conferences, lectures, or other didactic experiences in the longitudinal template.



July August September October November December January February March April May June
Year 1 Block Rotations


Research N ICU N ICU N ICU Research Neurology/Stroke N ICU N ICU N ICU Neuro-radiology
N ICU ICU NF Elective Telemed Anes N ICU ICU NF Elective N ICU CVICU MS ICU Elective
N ICU Elective Elective N ICU Elective Nut N ICU ICU NF Elective N ICU


N ICU          Neuro Intensive Care Unit
MS ICU       Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit
CVICU         Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit
ICU NF        Intensive Care Unit Night Float
Nut             Nutrition and respiratory care
Anes           Anesthesia
Telemed    Telemedicine and Virtual Intensive Care

Elective Possibilities

Echocardiography and Ultrasound

Quarterly Symposia

Critical Care Ultrasound Course

Formal ultrasound course including didactic and practical sessions presented and directed by the critical care department including Dr. Jan Kasal and Dr. Chakradhar Venkata, both certified by the National Board of Echocardiography (Testamur).  Course includes echocardiography, DVT assessment, lung and chest ultrasound, and abdominal FAST examination.  Dr. Kasal co-chaired the Society of Critical Care Medicine Ultrasound Course.  The 3D Systems Ultrasound Mentor provides an excellent ultrasound simulation environment for the fellows to sharpen and test their skills. 

Difficult Airway Course

Formal airway course presented with a multidisciplinary approach including representation from critical care medicine, pulmonary medicine, emergency medicine, trauma surgery, pharmacy and anesthesia.  The course provides didactics, practical sessions, and an evaluation of the latest airway equipment.  The SimMan 3G used in this course provides lively interactive and educational simulation sessions. 

Mechanical Ventilation Course

The mechanical ventilation course is a combination of didactic lectures and a hands-on practical evaluation of mechanical ventilators with test lungs.  Case scenarios are presented and discussed at several learning stations.  The course focuses on applied pulmonary physiology in the setting of mechanical ventilation.

ECMO Education Course

The ECMO education course provides the fellows and staff with the foundation for the clinical practice of ECMO.  This course includes didactic lectures and practical sessions with a functional ECMO circuit presented by cardiovascular perfusionists, ECMO intensivists and ECMO specialists.      

ENLS Course

The Emergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS) Course is designed to help healthcare professionals improve patient care and outcomes during the critical first hours of a patient’s neurological emergency. ENLS demonstrates a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach and provides a consistent set of protocols, practical checklists, decision points, and suggested communication to use during patient management of the following 14 neurological emergencies:

  • Approach to the Comatose Patient
  • Intracranial Hypertension and Herniation
  • Airway, Ventilation and Sedation
  • Resuscitation Following Cardiac Arrest
  • Acute Non-Traumatic Weakness
  • Acute Ischemic Stroke
  • Intracerebral Hemorrhage
  • Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
  • Spinal Cord Compression
  • Status Epilepticus
  • Meningitis and Encephalitis
  • Pharmacotherapy

Palliative Care Course

This course is a combination of didactic and simulation based education for Palliative care with specific focus on end-of-life care in the ICU. Trainees are instructed one on one with the initial portion of the course focusing on communication basics, challenges and techniques. The second portion of the course is where the trainee is asked to role-play with the instructor. The instructor plays the role of a family member. Two simulated cases are used for this. The usual simulation session lasts 10 minutes. Trainees are recorded during the simulation and then the recording is played back, watched with the trainee and immediate feedback is provided to the trainee.
