Blog post from Mercy's Baggot Street Intranet:
Lynn Britton, President & CEO
Join me in welcoming the third largest hospital in St. Louis, St. Anthony’s Medical Center, to Mercy.
Every Mercy community has its own story to tell, and its own history caring for the health of their neighbors. In St. Louis, the story stretches back almost 150 years, when the Sisters of Mercy opened St. John’s Hospital downtown. Only two years and a few miles away, the Franciscan Sisters opened St. Boniface Hospital. Eventually, the Sisters of Mercy moved St. John’s west – and the Franciscan Sisters moved north and then south with St. Anthony’s.
After several generations of caring for families in St. Louis, St. Anthony’s will begin a new chapter of their story today, as their affiliation with Mercy becomes official. This partnership allows Mercy to care for even more families in southeastern Missouri and southwest Illinois, and expands resources for St. Anthony’s, which serves over 25,000 patients each year. Equally important, our new relationship strengthens the noble tradition of Catholic health care across our East communities. Patients are now able to choose us for health care services even closer to their home – which is one of the many ways we are fulfilling our promise to get health care right.
I want to thank the many leaders within St. Anthony’s and Mercy who carefully pursued this important relationship though the past year. The late David Sindelar, who led St. Anthony’s as CEO, was blessed to see his efforts to bring us together come to fruition, and worked closely with Donn Sorensen and Mike McCurry, who made their shared vision a reality. Mike and Donn will continue to be actively involved as we begin this affiliation to ensure a smooth transition for our newest co-workers. Mike is expanding his responsibilities to take on the role of president at St. Anthony’s, and Donn will provide operational leadership support.
It will take some time to bring St. Anthony’s 3,500 co-workers and 670 medical staff on board through Baggot Street – but we don’t want to wait to welcome them. Please leave warm and encouraging words below and we will incorporate them into newsletters and other communications going out within St. Anthony’s through the next several weeks.
By God’s grace, Mercy continues to grow to meet the needs of our communities. Let’s celebrate!
- Lynn
Welcome to St. Anthony's Co-workers
Welcome to the Mercy family! I have friends that work at St. Anthony's, so it's great to have you on our team.
Huffman, Judy (Med Surg ICU)
Welcome to Mercy! I'm looking forward to serving alongside you to provide compassionate care and exceptional service to those in our community.
Rothermich, Tony (Administrator, Mercy Hospital Lincoln)
Blessings to you and hope you have a wonderful transition. Love working for Mercy myself.
Bedell, Karen F (Ins Collections PB)
Welcome to Mercy!
Lawrence, Lisa M (Lab Administration)
Welcome aboard the Mercy Team!
Dorlac, Laura L (Coding Specialist)
A warm Mercy welcome to St. Anthony's staff and co-workers. It is exciting to be able to combine the great ministry that St. Anthony's is so proud of and the great ministry of Mercy Health to be able to enrich and increase the reach of Catholic healthcare ministry. Together we will be stronger!
Jackson, Sue K (Purchasing)
Having been born at St. Anthony's hospital - many years ago when it was located at Grand and Chippewa - and growing up in the nearby St. Anthony's church parish, I am excited to see St. Anthony's join with Mercy! I am looking forward to many years of combined service and ministry between these 2 great organizations!
Evers, Gregory J (Integrated Marketing)
A warm welcome to our new co-workers at St. Anthony's!
Allison, Tracy A (Medical Documentation)
May many blessings of Mercy be bestowed upon each of you as your journey with us begins! Welcome to the Mercy family!
Douglas, Amy A (Clin-Doc Team)
Welcome aboard. Glad to have you all as part of the Mercy family.
Patterson, Marie E (The Communications Center)
Welcome to the Mercy Family! St Anthony's has been a part of and cared for my immediate family for years and it will be a pleasure to be able to work with this wonderful team in our community!
Ruggeri, Joan M (ADT Enterprise Team)
It's great to see your family and ours join together!
Reynolds, Tammy J (General Lab)
This is an exciting adventure that we are about to embark on together! Looking forward to all of the wonderful things we can accomplish as a Team!
Cotton, Yvette (Health Information)
Welcome, welcome!! We are so excited to have you as part of our family! I have had many friends who have worked or still work at St. Anthony's that I used to work with as well so I feel like I am being reconnected with old friends!!
Siegler, Kimmie A (Mercy Coding Services)
I worked for St. Anthony's for 5 years before joining Mercy. I am so happy to see these two wonderful organizations unite. Welcome to all the former St. Anthony's, and now Mercy co-workers!
Clapper, Danielle R (MC Diabetic Edu-Washington)
Welcome St. Anthony's.....how awesome we get to be co-laborers in the vinyard.
Crews, James R (MMC Central Laboratory)
Welcome St, Anthony's to the Mercy Family! You have joined a great healthcare ministry that truly cares about those we serve.
Dreps, Douglas (Director – Regl Clinical Eng)
Welcome to the Mercy family! I look forward to growing together.
Turner, Caren D (Hsp Bill Enterprise Team)
So happy to have you as part of the family! Welcome. Wishing you many blessings during the transition.
Bresnahan, Eileen M (Project Manager)
Welcome to the Mercy family!
Louis, Sally A (Medical A)
Greetings from Mercy West - which means Oklahoma in the Mercy world - you are about to start a wonderful and exciting new chapter. So proud to have you join us.
Wightman, Lori L (President, Mercy Hospital Ada)
I am excited as we move forward together and learn from each other and share our best practices. The future will be exciting to serve in our community together.
Sumner, Robin (VBO Administration)
Hello and Welcome to all to Mercy! A special welcome to the GI services.
Rahn, Susan E (Gastro Endo Center-Des Peres)
Welcome to the Mercy ministry family! May God bless your hospital and co-workers in this time of change.
Essary, Todd M (Mercy Health FDN Ada)
Welcome to the family! We are excited for this new venture together!!
Haubert, Kali (Cardiac)
Welcome to Mercy....I work in the imaging department where we provide service in the South County community. I am excited about our new partnership and the excellent, comprehensive service we will be able to provid to our patients.
Huskey, Kevin (Offsite Rad-Tesson)
Mercy Joplin joined this great family almost 8 years ago and it has been such a blessing, and I'm sure you will also find that being part of Mercy is a great thing. Congratulations and thanks for your confidence in joining with us!
Pulsipher, Gary W (President, Mercy Hospital Joplin)
I want to welcome all of St. Anthony's coworkers into the Mercy family! I think you will find this to be a team built from two similar missions and ideologies. I look forward to meeting and working with you!
Hahn, Kenneth W (Safety And Security)
It is very exciting to welcome St. Anthony's into the Mercy. There are many caring and kindhearted people in Mercy who are looking forward to working as a team with our new family members.
Geldbach, Trish (Ambulatory Care)
Welcome to Mercy. I am so excited to have you join us in making a difference in every lives we touch. Catherine Mc Auley I am sure is happy to see you as a part of evergrowing ministry of our Lord's love for caring for others.
Stelzer, Connie H. (Infusion Center)
Welcome to the Mercy Family. I grew up going to St. Anthony's Hospital and hope you all love Mercy as much as I do!
Allen, Pamela S (Aco 2)
We celebrate you, our new co-workers at St Anthony's! So glad to have you join us and welcome you wholeheartedly!
Palmer, Deborah L (Administration)
Proud to be teammates in providing for our communities.
Winkelman, John J (Integrated Marketing)
Wisner, Lucinda F (Family Med El Dorado Springs)
Welcome, St. Anthony's, to the Mercy family. It's nice to know that we will be sharing our caring and talents within the community and surrounding areas.
Johnson, Joe W (Ambulatory Administration)
"Welcome St. Anthony's, This is wonderful news!! I believe in this partnership and know we will thrive in the East Community together. I spent 20 years working for SAMC and have always considered it my 'home'. Their support for personal growth and development lead me to Mercy. I am honored to work for the best two hospitals in St. Louis. I know with great confidence our patients will benefit the most with this partnership. Together we are a 'power team' serving our East Community. Welcome and it is great to be back!"
Nolfo, Carrie A (Mercy Quality & Safety Center)
Welcome to the Mercy Team, St. Anthony's! What an awesome opportunity to come together to serve the entire St. Louis community and beyond!
Kidd, Tammy L (Integrated Marketing)
Looking forward to working with you as we change Healthcare!!
Pounds, Louis (Human Resources)
A warm welcome to all St. Anthony's co-workers and medical staff! We are very excited that you are now affiliated with Mercy!
Wiedemann, Sharon T (Human Resources)
A big welcome to all our fellow co-workers at St. Anthony's. I've been with Mercy for over 11 years and it has been a great experience. It's exciting to come together, expanding the communities we serve through mutual faith based catholic health care!
Politte, Kevin W (Ambulatory Administration)
Welcome to Mercy! I hope that you will feel as fortunate as I did soon - the wonderful culture and amazing people have made me truly appreciative of my employment here. Your addition will only expand that great culture!
Rubis, Kathleen M (Informatics)
A warm welcome from Oklahoma City Mercy! Mercy is an awesome ministry to work with and we are joyful you all are a part of the Mercy family.
Gorham, Paula (Dietitian Services)
Welcome to the Mercy family! I have only been here a year, but this is an excellent place to work!
Palmer, Maoise (Cardiac Rehab)
Welcome to Mercy! St. Anthony's has big footprints in South County! Our joining healthcare teams will be wonderful for all of the patients that we both serve!
Martin, Cathy (Quality Assurance)
I look forward to working with you. Welcome!
Shumway, Adrianne A (Mercy Virtual Care Center Bldg)
Welcome to Mercy! We are excited for the opportunity to work together and welcome you as part of our family!
Vienravee, Dawn (Quality Assurance)
A Warm Welcome and Blessings of God's Peace and Love as we Journey together to provide Service, Excellence and Dignity to Ministry of Healthcare to all we are priviledged to serve.
Hubert, Catherine A (Mercy Research)
Welcome to the Mercy Team !!! A special welcome to my friend Steve Shrader working in the Radiology/Nuclear Medicine departments at St Anthony's.
Plake, Kimberly S (Lab Administration)
Welcome to Mercy !!!
Schneider, Debbie A (Mercy Clinic Pulmonology-STL)
Welcome! Great to have two wonderful organizations joining together to serve the communities! Blessings to all.
West, Beth A (Managed Care Consulting)
A warm welcome to St. Anthony's co-workers as you join our Mercy community!
Cunningham, Mary (Human Resources)
I am so glad St. Anthony's will be joining our Mercy family! There are many families who look for healthcare in South County from all over the St. Louis metropolitan area, especially from St. Louis City, South County and from towns/cities from the south, west and east in both Missouri and Illinois!
Hopper, Michelle M (Quality Assurance)
Welcome to the Mercy family.......
Thomas, Pamela (Pt Svcs Customer Assistance)
Welcome to the Mercy family!!!! I know God will greatly bless this union and each of those who serve our patients and fellow co-workers with hearts of compassion, grace and mercy!
Klaskin, Carla C (Planning & Advocacy)
Welcome to the Mercy family.
Smith, JudithAnn (Mercy Clinic Pulmonology-STL)
"Welcome St Anthony's co-workers and leaders. We are so glad to get to serve along side of you. In the days of transition ahead, I hope you find deep peace and new life. For each of you I pray:
May you sense God's presence in the process of our coming together to serve our community. May God continue to pour out his love as you minister to patients and each other. May you find peace when the path seems uncertain. May you find joy in learning new ways of doing things. And, may you have all the grace you need to face what comes each day. Amen.
God's blessing upon you. "
Jones, Julie M (Mission Integration)
I am so excited about St. Anthony's joining the Mercy family. St. Anthony's staff helped my family through a difficult time many years ago. They were the presence of Christ in this world to us. What a joy to be joined with them in continuing to bring the healing ministry of Christ to the St. Louis area. Blessings and prosperity to this mission!
Forsyth, Tom (Data Analytics & Engineering)
There are 58 Mercy Co-wokers in Laredo who wish to send a Texas size welcome to our newest co-workers in Mercy. Please know you can count on our prayers and best wishes.
Sr. Maria Luisa Vera , RSM (President, Mercy Ministries of Laredo)
Welcome! I was born at St. Anthony's it is an honor to have you as a part of the Mercy family!
Fifer, Deborah J (Inventory Management)
Welcome to Mercy! So excited that you are a part of this wonderful ministry
Kunza, Mary Kay (Human Resources)
Welcome home to the family!
Null, Gina D (APN - Diagnostic Navigator)
Welcome Everyone! We are blessed to have you be a part of team Mercy! Great things are in store.
Houseman, Marjorie (Ortho)
Welcome to Mercy! We are confident that you not only will love being a part of Mercy, but also rejoice in knowing that quality people are joining us in our Mission. I would extend a hand should we in OKC ever be needed to assist. In the meantime, welcome!
Gebhart, Jim R (President, Mercy Hospital Oklahoma City)
Welcome to the Mercy Family! I look forward to meeting everyone and am excited to be able to serve our community together!
Mittler, Stephanie L (Perioperative Services Admin)
Welcome to Mercy! I am fairly new here and it's honestly the very best place I've ever worked. The culture here and all of the Co-Workers are AMAZING! Hope your transition goes well, just know that it's going to be a great partnership.
Sucher, Angie (Integrated Marketing)
Welcome St. Anthony's folks to the Mercy ministry of compassionate Christian care! I think you will love being a part of the Mercy family, as I have. Blessings to you as we join together to serve the St. Louis community with the healing ministry and love of Christ!
Scheidhauer, Eric O (SD- Administrative)
Welcome to the Mercy Family! We look forward to working together with you to serve our community! Glad to have you onboard.
Lawson, Andrew (Data Center Operations)
Being from St Louis I am very excited St. Anthony is part of Mercy. Welcome to all the new co workers! I joined Mercy Joplin in February and feel very blessed to be in this organization.
Houston, Mary (Nutritional Services)
Wrozier, Patricia R (Mercy Clinic OB/Gyn-Ste 4005B)
Welcome to the Mercy family.
Barber, James N (Mercy Health FDN Springfield)
Welcome to the Mercy Family - Springfield (Central Communities)
Fisher, James H (Plant Operations)
Taylor, Richard L MD (Hospitalists Berryville)
Welcome to the Mercy Family!! So happy to have you all with us and hope that the transition is one of ease. I wish you all the best and extend a warm welcome to you all!! Blessings.
GOEDDEY, PAMELA J (Eligibility Services)
Almost 12 years ago I made a very difficult decision to leave St. Anthony's for Mercy because of an opportunity to work at a location closer to my home at that time. I loved working at SAMC, but have also found tremendous support and opportunity at Mercy. I'm so excited to welcome my former co-workers at SAMC to the Mercy family and hope you too will find joy in being part of our innovative ministry to the communities we serve across several states. Welcome!
Derner, Jennifer (Care Management)
Welcome to the Mercy Family. This SoCo girl is excited to work with several good friends at St. Anthony's. We will make a great team!!
Preheim, Nancy (Supervisor - Sales)
I'm so excited for us all!! I've been with Mercy for less than a year, and I love being part of the Mercy family! I know you will, too. Looking foward to working with you to further our mission in our communities. Bustamante, Suzi (Integrated Marketing)
Welcome to all the St. Anthony's coworkers! Hoping you will find this transition a joyful one-even though change can be a challenge. So glad that I am able to say Welcome to Mercy-I love working here!
Scheppler, Denise (Care Management)
"A hundred thousand WELCOMES!" Greetings to all of our co-workers serving on the St. Anthony's campus. What a joy it is to collaborate with you in the healing ministry of Jesus! Many blessings.
Sr. Richard Mary Burke, RSM (Co-worker Relations Coordinator)
It is an honor to join our ministries together. May you feel as blessed as we do in our coming together to better serve our communities in the St. Louis area; and, with our common Catholic faith-based background, to join efforts in "bringing to life the healing ministry of Jesus" to those who entrust themselves to our care!
O'Toole, Brian (Senior Vice President, Mission and Ethics)
It is a very special joy and blessing for the ministries of St. Anthony's and Mercy to come together in serving the St. Louis community. Welcome St. Anthony's! We are excited to be working with you and pray that you will be enriched in your personal ministry of caring service.
Edelstein, Tom (Vice President, Mission and Ethics, Mercy Hospital Oklahoma City)
Welcome to the Mercy!! The more the merrier! Glad you are joining us :-)
Bell, Mary E (Mercy Clinic Pulmonology-STL)
Welcome and greetings from Mercy Laredo Tx.......glad to have you in the Mercy family:)
Arredondo, Issa (Education Coordinator)
WELCOME! - Change is rarely easy -- but I know that the leadership of both organizations will strive to make the transition smooth. I pray that you will soon find that Mercy lives its mission. We do, as the Sisters of Mercy before us, bring to life the healing ministry of Jesus through our compassionate care and exceptional service. We're anxous to have you join us in that mission.
Kluender, Jody (Respiratory)
Welcome to Mercy! May God bless us and guide us all as we begin this new journey together!
Ries, Marsha K (Financial Coordinator)
Welcome to the Mercy family, we are proud to have you join our family. Prayers for a smooth transition and many blessings.
Ferrell, Jennifer (Hospice-South)
Welcome to Mercy!!!
Meek, Debra M (Infectious Disease Whiteside)
Welcome to the Mercy Family....we are glad to have you as we join together to serve our communities in a great way!!
Moore, Devona D (Eligibility Services)
Well Alright now! Welcome, Welcome and Welcome aboard to Our Family New Mercy/St Anthony Loves! This is a Phenomenal transition! We are very graceful!
Summers, Rochelle (Mercy Clinic Int Med-Crestwood)
St. Anthony's co-workers, Welcome to the Mercy family as we continue our journey together, know that you are welcomed with open arms and joyous voices. We embrace you as God embraces us all. Welcome!
Gray, Peggy (Centralized Interpreter Serv)
Welcome to the family! We are looking forward to a strong future together in delivering excellent healthcare to our community.
Schlett, Veronica (Performance Management)
Welcome to the Mercy family!
FIGUEROA, Jessica J (Pinpkwy Endo Lab)
Welcome to MERCY!!!!!
Leggett, Christina (Patient Safety)
"WELCOME :-) I'm so Happy You are a Part of Our Mercy Family."
Clark, Kimberly D (Eligibility Services)
Welcome to Mercy
Chilcutt, Star N (Envir Service-Non Hosp-Sgc)
Welcome all to Mercy, hope you enjoy working here as much as I do.
Katke, Linda L (Mercy Clinic Pulmonology-STL)
Welcome aboard! Ladies and Gentlemen fasten your seatbelts, place your tray tables/seats in their upright positions, and prepare for what may or may not be a bumpy ride. Just know that the destination will be Great once you get here! Transitions can be difficult but are usually totally worth it!
Mobley, Belinda S (Finance)
Welcome to Mercy!
Neunaber, Angela M (Mercy Clinic WH-Ste499A)
Welcome!! :)
Cannell, Cristina (Licensed Practical Nurse)
Welcome to the Mercy community! It is exciting to have you all on board. I will be praying for your transition!
Gallegos, Julia (Care Mgt Facility S Central)
We are glad to have you as a part of the Mercy family! Welcome!
Cruesoe, Brandy C (Roosevelt School Health Center)
Welcome to Mercy!
Rydberg, Cynthia E (Nurse On Call)
Welcome to the family St. Anthony's! Change can be tough, but I know all of Mercy wants to make your transition as smooth and comfortable as possible. Looking forward to meeting and working with you.
Major, Teanette (Patient Placement And Staffing)
Welcome to Mercy!!
Sanderson, Delilah A (EHR Training)
A big Mercy welcome to everyone at St. Anthony's! We look forward to working with you and achieving big things together!
Carter, Chris (Human Resources)
Welcome to Mercy!! We are glad to have you!
Tumbrink, Jamie L (EDI Cash Posting)
Welcome to the Mercy family!
Keating, Michelle (Cancer Support Services)
Welcome to the Mercy family! We are here to support you as you transition and partner with and learn from you as we move ahead together.
Gilstrap, Catrina (Manager- Info Services)
You bring some great folks to the table - what a pleasure and benefit for all of our patients. God Bless you all..... ]
Hurster, Robert S (Courtesy Van Driver)
Welcome to Mercy. I look forward to learning from you and collaborating with you.
Throgmorton, Cheryl A (Exec Dir –Clinical Education)
We are very blessed to have you join our family....welcome!
Bach, Lisa A (Lab Support Technician)
Welcome SAMC to Mercy!!! Also very warm and special welcome to my mother Lori McNaughton working in the Quality Department at St. Anthony's
Brellinger, Dana (Senior System Administrator)
Welcome to Mercy!!
Watson, Michael C (Surgical Technologist)
Welcome to Mercy!
Dixson, Cheryl D (Medical Assistant)
Welcome to Mercy! Welcome to my nurse friend Donna Adams, who works at St. Anthony’s :)
Ackman, Nancy L (Administrative Assistant)