
Tulip Award Winner Gave Patient Spa Experience

May 7, 2019

Patient Care Associate Kristen Sampson was nominated for the quarterly Tulip Award at Mercy Hospital Jefferson by one of her patients for providing what was described as spa-like care.

“This morning I needed a shower and hair care. She helped me get all that I needed,” the patient wrote on the nomination form. “She is so sweet and a very good worker.”

“I felt like I was at a spa and pampered by her. I wish all were as good as her, and she is doing the last of her orientation. God bless her.”

Surrounded by her co-workers, Kristen Sampson was honored as the quarterly Tulip Award winner at Mercy Hospital Jefferson. Surrounded by her co-workers, Kristen Sampson was honored as the quarterly Tulip Award winner at Mercy Hospital Jefferson.

Kristen received a framed certificate, flowers, a tulip pin to wear on her badge, and custom, tulip-shaped cookies to share with co-workers in her department.

Presented by the Professional Development Shared Governance Council, the Tulip Award recognizes techs and assistants as nominated by patients, visitors and co-workers. The council received 74 Tulip nominations for the quarter. Each nominee will receive a certificate acknowledging their nomination. 

You can help to continue to recognize our outstanding PCA/PCT/PSAs by nominating them for a Tulip Award.
