ST. LOUIS - Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in American women, who have a one in eight chance of developing it at some point in their lifetime.
For women with a family history and other risk factors the chances are often higher. In addition to annual mammograms, Mercy Clinic Breast Surgery – Clarkson-Clayton and Mercy Breast Center are piloting a new High Risk Breast Clinic to help those patients learn more earlier.
“Knowing your personal risk for breast cancer can help you take important steps to reduce your chances for developing it or catch it early, at a time when it is most treatable,” said Dr. Abigail Hoffman, breast surgeon with Mercy Clinic Breast Surgery. “Our goal is to offer a comprehensive program to help women at high-risk learn more and create an individualized plan and coordinate care.”
Information is collected as part of a patient’s annual mammogram and used to calculate the estimated lifetime risk for developing breast cancer using a validated breast risk assessment model. Patients with more than a 20% lifetime risk may be eligible for additional high-risk screening including breast MRI and genetic testing.
Additional consultation provides an opportunity for patients to be thoroughly evaluated and to discuss risk reduction strategies and ongoing surveillance. To schedule your annual mammography, click here.