The DAISY Award is an international program to honor and celebrate nurses who provide extraordinary, compassionate and skillful care every day. The DAISY Foundation established the award in memory of Patrick Barnes who died at age 33 from complications of an auto-immune disease. The care he and his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired the award.
October 2023
Congratulations to Meldina Ahmetovic, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides with the surgical intensive care unit (SICU).
Mel received two nominations for this month.
A patient’s friend nominated Mel by writing: “Unbelievable care she provided to us as we learned our family friend was not in good shape after a car accident. She went above and beyond to explain his injuries and the options we would have, along with his son, to make some critical decisions. She made sure we had snacks and drinks as we sat in the surgical ICU for over 12 hours, as our dear friend was removed from all support. At one point, it was emotionally hard for me to stay in the room with my husband, and she offered immediately to go in and sit with him so I could get a break. When our kids arrived, she explained things to them, too. She joked around with us as we tried to keep the atmosphere light-hearted and even got in on it with us, giving some funny comments along the way. We appreciated her so very much and it really did make an impact on everyone that day! All of the nurses were amazing during all of this, but she was the one that (stood out).”
Another patient’s daughter nominated Mel by writing: “My dad was transferred to the surgical ICU after rapidly declining… Bridget was amazing the first night explaining all of his complications to my brother and I in a compassionate but honest way. She treated our dad with the utmost respect as we all attempted to come up with a good plan of care moving forward. The next day, Bridget was on shift, but Mel was his assigned nurse. He had declined more overnight… Even though my brother and I were aware of all of this, Mel made sure to explain everything to me in detail when I arrived that morning. Throughout the day, Dad continued to decline, rapidly. That afternoon, Mel brought me in the hallway and explained that he was in fact the most critically ill patient on the unit... She also explained that if he were to need intubation, there was a very high chance of death (given his injuries and medical history). About 30 minutes later, both Mel and I noticed that he was extremely calm and was not moving - he was in constant movement and very agitated for about 24 hours. Mel went in to check… and called the trauma doctor immediately, and I was tasked with allowing them to intubate him. Mel gave me a compassionate but honest look to tell me that ‘this could be it’ and verbally told me to get my brother on the phone immediately. He was intubated, sedated and was on life support as the trauma doctor worked with his previous transplant surgeon to get him transferred. Upon my brother arriving, she explained everything that we had been through and where he stood medically. She reassured us as we questioned our decision that we were performing a life saving measure to buy us time to get transferred to hopefully save his life. He was transferred (to another hospital) later that evening and at one point had regained consciousness and communicated with my brother. This was the last time we would see our dad communicative. (After his condition deteriorated over the next week) we decided to move to comfort care for him while we awaited family members to say good-bye. Had it not been for Mel's honesty and compassion, we would not have been fully aware of just how critically ill he was. I truly believe that when Mel and I realized that he was too calm, that he was dying at that moment, and we saved his life long enough for all of his family members to come to terms and be able to say good-bye. I cannot thank her enough for her honestly during one of the most difficult times of our lives.”

August 2023
Congratulations to Amanda Mick, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides with the medical unit on the 7th floor.
A patient nominated Amanda by writing: “I’ve never been one to spend much time in the hospital. Spending a couple of weeks here has been more time than I’ve ever had to spend before. I’m a bit of an anxious person, and I’ve been stressed by my time here. After a couple of complications, I began to worry about my health more than before. With all of this going on, I’ve also been stressed about being overly vocal about my needs. I don’t want to be a problem case nor cause issue for anyone. Amanda became my nurse, and many of the worries of mine disappeared. Amanda has been one of the best nurses I’ve had for myself or for others. She made me feel so welcome, and she has been so attentive to all of my many needs even before I knew I would need something. I have felt so much relief under Amanda’s care, genuinely feeling like I’m getting the absolute best care possible. I can’t speak highly enough about Amanda; she has set the bar with patient care in my eye. I can only pray I get so lucky to have a nurse as good as her for future visits. It’s not often to find someone with Amanda’s level of passion for the care of others.”

July 2023
Congratulations to Kim Mahoney, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides with the neuro unit.
A patient’s daughter nominated Kim by writing: “Our father was hospitalized and placed on comfort measures. He was terminal. Either my sister or I was constantly there. Dad's nurse, Kim, went above and beyond in my opinion. During his stay, she did everything to not only take excellent care of him but encouraged my sister and I to take care of ourselves. She interacted with Dad just like he was alert and knew what was going on even when he wasn't really conscious. Kim shaved and trimmed his messy, overgrown beard and sideburns prior to his passing. She made him look like the handsome man he was. He has said how much he needed a good shave, and she made his requests happen although she was busy with other patients. She treated Dad as if he was her only patient performing mouth care and repositioning Dad very frequently. She kept him extremely comfortable, and we were thankful for that. She held his hands in his final moments until we arrived prior to passing. She notified us when she thought it was time. Kim explained the whole death process to us in layman's terms and let us know what was going to happen even before it happened. She talked to Dad when caring for him explaining what they were doing as they did it. Even when Dad was no longer responsive, Kim talked him through all she was doing. We appreciated all she did. She also ordered our family coffee, water and snacks from the cafeteria. Kim is truly an asset to Mercy, and she was truly Dad's angel on earth. We truly appreciate her going above and beyond.”

June 2023
Congratulations to Alisia Thompson, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides in the infusion center at the Sindelar Cancer Center.
A volunteer nominated Alisia by writing: “While at work, I have seen noticeable interaction with Alisia and the patients. She is so kind and compassionate to those in her care. Once, I sat down during a calm time, and Alisia came and sat with me. She asked if there was anything she or her husband could help me with as she knew that my husband and I were struggling (with his serious health issues). She gave me her personal phone number. The next week, she approached me and we talked. The one thing on my plate that was bothering me was cutting grass on a hill in our backyard. She offered that she and her husband would be happy to do that for us. That Saturday, she and her husband came, cut the grass in the back yard, the hill, offered to help in other ways. God bless them both. I know that if we need help, medical or otherwise, she would be there.”

April 2023
Congratulations to Lou Stengel, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides with Hyland Behavioral Health.
A patient’s wife nominated Lou: “I call frequently to speak with my husband in conjunction with speaking to staff for updates. From day 1, the care and compassion I have felt from Lou is unconditional. I was not visiting my husband since his admission as to not cause further stress on him. I spent time at home struggling with my own family, tearfully worried for my husband, and I’m in the dark about so much when it comes to mental health. I had spoken with maybe one or two staff members prior to conversing with Lou for the first time. From our first conversation, I knew that she was a nurse who I completely trusted to be taking care of my husband. When giving me updates, she went far beyond (basic descriptions). Lou spoke of my loving husband’s presentation, characteristics, and his strengths. She would explain her assessment thoroughly with deep care for my husband, but also managed to keep his integrity and privacy. She answered my questions, addressed my concerns, sought out answers for me, and gave ME support when all felt lost. I learned through her co-workers that she only works on the weekends. I spent the weekdays focusing on my outside life and preparing our home for what the return of my husband would look like. Then on the weekends, I was able to take a deep breath and focus on my husband and his well-being. Without the consistency of Lou being my husband’s nurse weekend after weekend, I am not sure how I would have stayed as sane as I have! Lou could have stopped there and only have been kind via the telephone, and I would have had no clue. Except this was the absolute furthest from the truth about her. Day after day, I spoke with my husband on the phone. I listened to my grown husband weep… The heartbreak I was feeling was unmeasurable and felt so unbearable. Shortly into his stay, there was one phone call in which he told me he has a nurse who listens to him. As he sobbed on the phone, he went on to tell me how a young woman who he thought was only in her 20s would spend time with him every shift she was present. He explained how Lou encouraged his emotions and sat on the floor of the hallway outside his room when he felt too ashamed for crying and told her to leave… We come from a generation where that was frowned upon and unacceptable. He never was told it is okay to have feelings, never given any form of therapy, never learned what medicines his doctors put him on, and never had his own questions answered. Hearing that a nurse was able to provide him with knowledge, compassion, understanding and support is something that every spouse wishes for… Lou’s mind amazed me as she answered every one of our questions with words that were both educational, but also easy to understand for two older adults like us. Even down to the smallest act of Lou cleaning his belongings without him asking, always giving him shower supplies even when he didn’t want to get out of bed, and a constant supply of word searches or sudokus to keep his mind busy. Lou has provided the utmost Christ-like care that I have ever known. While mental health struggles are terrifying, I have faith and solitude knowing that my husband has the opportunity to be taken care of by someone like Lou. The first day I visited my husband since he was admitted… I walked on the unit and was greeted by a nurse. Without hesitation, I knew it was Lou by her tone of voice and composure. She was all that I had imagined in my head. As soon as I said my name, she knew me and she conversed with me like we had many, many times before. It brought a tear to my eye when she told me that it was good to finally meet you after talking about you so much. My husband also said he was glad that I got to meet Lou because he was worried he would have to go home without me ever visiting. The visit with my husband went great, despite the circumstances and tears. I heard my sweet husband laugh again and heard stories of his time at Hyland. I was able to speak and ask Lou questions, plus get to see her in action with all of the other patients. Two hours went by too quickly, but I left Hyland knowing that my husband is in the right place with the right people. I thank God that He has provided a facility in St. Louis to take care of the sick. And I pray that His work will continue to be done. To all of those helping my husband survive, I love each and every one of you.”

February 2023
Congratulations to Mandy Genz, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides in the cardiac-medical intensive care unit (CMICU).
A co-worker nominated Mandy by writing: “Mandy is not only a great co-worker but an amazing nurse. My patient went to the urgent care prior to the emergency department. He happened to leave his jacket at the urgent care before being admitted to the ICU. While admitted, he was worried about his jacket. Mandy tracked down his jacket at the urgent care, and on her lunch break, went to pick it up for him. Of course, this ended his anxiety and concern. This goes above and beyond.”

January 2023
Congratulations to Haley Springer, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides in the emergency department.
A co-worker nominated Haley by writing: “We had an 83-year-old patient brought into the emergency room who was very ill, and her prognosis was poor. Unfortunately, the only two people in her life were her daughter and a best friend. The daughter lives out of state and could not come to St. Louis because she is the sole caregiver for a disabled family member. Her friend was ill with a bad cold and could not take the chance on coming to the hospital.
“The daughter shared that she and her mother had both talked about death, and her mother was ready to go home. She wanted to be reunited with her deceased husband and all of her pets who had passed away. In fact, she shared that this patient was looking forward to it.
“Haley cared for this patient throughout her entire shift, and Raissa assisted her. The patient told them that she was worried about her cat, so one of the nurses phoned the facility that the patient lived at and asked if someone could look after the cat.
“Eventually, Haley called me to ask if I could sit with the patient because she was nearing death and Haley was concerned that she might need to be away from the patient to care for others. She did not want the patient to be alone when she died.
“I was able to come down to the room where I witnessed Haley and Raissa giving the best care to this patient. Stroking her hair back from her face, comforting her with kind words, and all the while keeping up with what comes next with a comfort measure patient. They shared with me that they had little experience in this area because the norm isn’t that patients are comfort measures in the emergency department. Because they had little expertise in the area, they made phone calls to confer with others who were more knowledgeable to make absolute certain that this patient was kept comfortable in her final moments.
“This patient had told me earlier in the day that she did not need prayers or anything religious. She shared that she ‘did her own thing.’ In her final moments, we played Billie Holliday singing ‘I’ll Be Seeing You’ and she closed her eyes and slipped away.
“These two nurses gave this patient the utmost care at the end of her life because others were unable to. It brings tears to my eyes as I recall how gentle they were with her.”

December 2022
Congratulations to Nick Horn, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care he provides with the cardiovascular progressive care unit (3 South).
A patient nominated Nick by writing: “Nick went above and beyond during my stay. He took into consideration my culture and tried to accommodate everything for me. He even tried speaking/learning Arabic for me. He exemplifies Mercy’s core values. Even when he wasn’t my nurse for the day, he came in to check on me and assist the day nurse. I know he was busy with other patients, but he made me feel heard and kept engaging in conversations with me. We are so thankful to have him during our stay.”

November 2022
Congratulations to Trent Doiron, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care he provides with the cardiac telemetry unit (4 South).
A leader nominated Trent by relaying what a patient shared: “From the moment I arrived to this floor, the care immediately started. Trent said, ‘I’ll be with you brother.’ He talked with me and stayed with me. He made things better for me. I came out of a dark place. I have never had anyone explain things the way he did: medications, pain level and how the heart functions. The way he engaged with me and the demonstration of how the heart works was unreal. He explained everything in terms I was able to understand. I appreciated the attention and care; it was very emotional for me. This guy is a star! He had an impact on my family, too. My wife felt I was in good hands and was able to go home.”

October 2022
Congratulations to Faith Postrero, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides. Postrero is an international nurse from the Philippines serving on the medical stepdown unit (6 East).
A patient nominated Postrero by writing: “Being hospitalized is a stressful and scary time. COVID is no exception. All nurses are heroes, no doubt about it! For me, it was helping me through my darkest days while in isolation, sad, scared and alone, not knowing my fate. Being kept from my wife and children was heartbreaking albeit necessary. During these dark days, Faith was more than a nurse. She was my ray of sunlight that I needed to cope. She prayed with me on several occasions helping to strengthen my faith in God. She even came to see me while not assigned to me to pray with me. Though this was not the end of my journey in the hospital, it helped inspire me to find Jesus! I was baptized on Palm Sunday, gave my life to Christ and have been forever changed! As I have said before, all nurses are heroes! I don’t believe they get the recognition they deserve for doing what they do! Nobody signed up for COVID, but somebody had to do it, and that’s where our nurses shine. Faith has demonstrated exactly what good care looks like! I wish all the nurses I encountered could have been like her. This is a Godly hospital, and in time of need, we need heroes like these every day! As I move forward, and put this difficult time in rear view, I will never forget the care your team gave to me!”

September 2022
Congratulations to Ashley Gray, LPN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate care she provides with the oncology unit on 8 East.
Gray was nominated by a patient’s relative who wrote: “Ashley went above and beyond for us. When we got there, my mom had two brain bleeds. Ashley brought us a cart with snacks because we had not eaten. She was so helpful with my mom. She would come in and talk to her. Ashley would stay and talk to us about our personal lives. She made us feel like family. She would come in and ask us if we needed anything and just talk to us. She made us feel comfortable when we spent the night. Ashley has made this so much easier for us. I cannot thank her enough. Thank you for all you have done for us. “

August 2022
Congratulations to Clare Silud, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate care she provides with the medical-surgical unit on 5 West. Silud is one of Mercy South’s international nurses.
Silud was nominated by a patient who wrote: “Clare has been my nurse almost every night I’ve been in the hospital, meaning she has worked hard but my patient care never suffered. It gets lonely in the hospital and one can start to get sad, but Clare never made me even think that way because she was always there lifting up my spirits. She works like crazy, yet still managed to find a way to help me, both medically and emotionally. Medically, she has explained things in a way that the outcome isn’t serious or something I need to get myself worked up over. She has answered every question I’ve asked in regards to what tests are being done and why, in ways that I can understand. She never forgets the little things that make me happy (such as remembering I love popsicles and bringing them to me). She is very personable in so many ways. I’ve watched her at night and she never neglects a single patient. I’ve also had the privilege of watching others follow and learn from her, and these nurses will excel from just one shift with Clare.”

July 2022
Congratulations to Andrea Gordon, RN, same day surgery, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate care she provides.
A co-worker nominated Gordon by writing: “Andrea assisted two visitors in the cafeteria; one was blind and the other also was disabled. Andrea instructed them on where and how to order food, carried their food to a table and got them both drinks. Andrea really went out of her way to help assist those visitors in the cafeteria. She is a compassionate person and wonderful nurse at the bedside or on her lunch break.”

June 2022
Congratulations to Kristina Gordon, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides as part of the birthplace team.
A co-worker nominated Gordon by writing: “Kristina went above and beyond for her patient with a fetal loss. The patient did not have a support person with her while she was coping with her loss. Kristina took it upon herself to be whatever the patient needed her to be. Not only did she sit and talk with the patient to keep her company, but she was continuously seeking out advice from her co-workers to ensure she was taking the best care of the patient. She and another nurse, Jerrica, even called around the hospital to try and find the patient her favorite drink. Kristina, your empathy and compassion truly shined through. You are a great nurse.”

May 2022
Congratulations to Bernie Doromal, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides as part of the float pool team.
A co-worker nominated Doromal for the care she provided the co-worker’s son. The co-worker wrote: “I just wanted to reach out and let you know my son’s stay on the 2200 unit (observation and bridge) was amazing. Everyone was so kind to him after his surgery. He had two back-to-back surgeries to help save his kidney and has had multiple surgeries over the past 14 years. This past surgery was by far the most intricate surgery on his kidney and by far the most painful for him. The nurses were amazing and so patient with him when he was having such a hard time with his pain. I especially would like to shout out Bernie, who I cannot thank enough for all her kindness and caring towards my son. She was always smiling and always listening to him when he needed some assurance that everything was alright. My son is an adult, but as a mom you cannot bear to watch your children in pain no matter what their age. She was by far one of the best nurses I have met in his long 14 year journey of surgeries and painful procedures. She made sure that his pain was controlled while supporting him emotionally when I could not be there. I am proud to say that I work with her here at Mercy South. She is the perfect example of what every nurse should model; she shows she cares through her example of the Mercy values.”

April 2022
Congratulations to Noah McDermott, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care he provides. McDermott was nominated for his care with the medical stepdown unit on 6 East, but he now works with the cardiac medical intensive care unit (CMICU).
A patient nominated McDermott by calling him “Doogie Howser,” writing: “This kid is a natural (I call him a kid, I’m 65). He truly amazed me with his knowledge, compassion and caring. He could answer any question I threw at him without hesitation. And I think there was one he was 100% sure of, but he researched it on his lunch break and came in and had my answer. If I employed him, I would do whatever it took to keep him.”

March 2022
Congratulations to Jamie Lay, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides with the surgical intensive care unit (SICU).
A patient’s family member nominated Lay by writing: “My first encounter with nurse Jamie was immediately after intubation. Our family was devastated and in shock. Jamie was so kind and patient. Her knowledge and love for people will always stay in our hearts. Thank you, Jamie, for letting your little light shine every single day!
“Jamie goes above and beyond for her patients. She was at my uncle’s side anticipating his every need. What a positive attitude and amazing work ethic. Her professionalism and positive attitude, compassion, and exceptionally high standards are phenomenal!”

February 2022
Congratulations to Sibonakaliso Ncube, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides with acute rehabilitation. Ncube is the first international nurse to earn the DAISY Award at Mercy Hospital South.
A patient nominated Ncube by writing: “Sibo is an excellent nurse and a caring and beautiful person. I so enjoyed meeting her and talking with her. I appreciated her clinical expertise and extraordinary compassionate care. She should be recognized as an outstanding role model in the nursing community. I feel blessed to have had her as my nurse.”

January 2022
Congratulations to Donna Adams, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides with surgical stepdown (6 West). This is Adams’ first DAISY Award after being nominated 30 times.
A patient’s daughter nominated Adams by writing: “Ms. Adams was assigned to my mom the final days of her life. The care she exhibited to Mom, my sister and I was phenomenal. She was so attentive to all our needs during our time with Mom. Ms. Adams did her best to make sure Mom was comfortable and not in pain. When speaking to Mom, her tone was calm and comforting; she would even take her gloves off to touch Mom or hold her hand. The warm touch of a healing hand while caring for you or a loved one is beyond words of expression. Ms. Adams diligently talked to administrative staff on Mom’s behalf to have her nephews and niece visit with her before she slipped into unresponsiveness. Our family was so appreciative of the advocate she became for Mom, especially with all the COVID visitation restrictions. Ms. Adams not only touched our mom’s final days, but she forever touched our hearts. We are so grateful she was assigned to Mom. I believe God places people in our lives when needed, and He definitely provided an angel to our family when we needed it the most.”

2021 Team Award
Congratulations to the emergency department for earning the DAISY Team Award for 2021. This annual award goes to a nursing team for the extraordinary, compassionate care they provide. The emergency department is the second DAISY Team Award honoree at Mercy South following our inaugural winner for 2020, the nursing team on 5 East.
A patient nominated the ED team by writing: “I just wanted to give the triage department a shout out. I arrived at Mercy South with a collapsed right lung and a blood oxygen level of 65%. I was immediately put on oxygen and given a warm blanket. I was sweating profusely and freezing cold. They were very reassuring and checked on me constantly until I was moved to an emergency room. Everyone I saw there seemed genuinely concerned for me.”
While the emergency team may feel this nomination is nothing special and maybe even routine, the selection committee felt it embodied a snapshot of the challenges the ED has dealt with over the entire year: very ill patients to care for in the midst of an overflowing ED. The team in the ED always has a “get it done” attitude and continues to provide outstanding, compassionate care to patients while dealing with unprecedented challenges.

December 2021
Congratulations to Maggie Poe, RN, for earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides with the hospice field program.
A patient’s daughter nominated Poe by writing: “Maggie is an exceptional nurse! She was a Godsend to my mother and me. From the moment we met her, she made us feel at ease. She is kind, personable, professional, friendly, warm hearted, cheerful and affectionate. She supported us whole heartedly through our journey. She trained me whenever I needed help with my mom and guided me with her excellent advice. She was timely and, when my mom was conscious, she would give Maggie a big smile and a hug. I feel blessed to have had Maggie for our nurse.”

November 2021
Kayla Wagner, RN, earned the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides on the medical stepdown unit on the 6th floor.
Co-worker Adam Jackson nominated Wagner by writing: “Kayla is an excellent person, one of med-step’s greatest assets, to be sure! She is always willing to stay and help the day shift, literally always. One day, Kayla stayed to help with a rapid response; she stayed the entire time and helped transport the patient to the critical care unit (CCU). She is continually showing up to every situation ready to lend a hand. The patients love her and say she is so compassionate, smart and prompt with their care. Kayla is always willing to step up to any obstacle, including precepting, taking the charge roll, or anything that is needed of her. I’m super proud to work with someone like Kayla and hope future generations of nurses are even remotely as awesome! Thank you, Kayla, for all you do!”

October 2021
Erica Morse, RN, earned the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate care she provides at Hyland Behavioral Health at Mercy Hospital South.
A co-worker nominated Morse by writing: “Erica was caring for a patient who had a court hearing to determine if he would be appointed a state guardian due to his mental illness. During her conversation with the patient, she became aware that the patient had never met the attorney that would be representing him, and that the patient was unaware of his right to attend the hearing. She went above and beyond and contacted both the patient’s mother and attorney to set up a meeting with the patient to discuss the court hearing. Erica displayed great advocacy for her patient and deserves recognition. She is an amazing nurse who genuinely cares for her patients. It was an honor to witness her care and compassion. I consider myself lucky to work with such an amazing nurse.”

September 2021
Logan McDanel, RN, earning the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care he provides in the surgical intensive care unit (SICU).
A patient’s child nominated McDanel by writing: “Logan is an exceptional nurse and Mercy co-worker. My dad was hospitalized with pancreatitis, and when things took a turn for the worse, Logan took unsurpassable care of dad and my family. As he got to know dad and our family, he did an excellent job explaining it to all of us; he really went above and beyond when he wrote out a flow chart with illustrations explaining the anatomy and physiology for my brother, who is an engineer, in a way that an engineer thinks and works. All in all, Logan has been a light in this dark time for my family with his sense of humor, diligence, therapeutic communication, and his knowledge of our dad’s condition. As a nursing student, I look up to Logan and strive to be as good a nurse as he is once I am out in my career field. We look forward to seeing him and feel relieved when we know he is working. We could not ask for a better nurse! Logan will always hold a special place in our hearts!”

August 2021
Candace LaPlant, RN, earned the DAISY Award for the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care she provides on the 7th floor (medical unit) of Mercy Hospital South.
LaPlant’s co-worker, Shannon Capriglione, nominated LaPlant by writing: “Recently, we had a patient on our floor who was COVID positive and nearing the end of her life. The patient had two sons who were very involved in her care. During the week, one of her sons had trouble processing the decline of his mother and was, as you can imagine, visibly upset at times. We knew she was close to passing one day and even more so into the night. The nurse caring for the patient, Candace, notified the son, and he wanted to come say his final goodbyes to his mother. They were worried since he did have a 45-minute drive that he would not make it on time, but thankfully, he was able to make it here to spend those last few precious moments with his mother. He expressed to Candace that he did not want to be there when she took her final breath but also did not want her to be alone. Candace took this upon herself and spent the next 20 minutes in the room holding the patient’s hand until she passed. Candace was able to honor the son’s wish and provided comfort to her patient at the end of her life. One nurse overheard Candace on the phone with the patient’s son and described her being ‘so compassionate and caring.’ The team also pulled together to send this family a sympathy card with the patient’s fingerprint.”

June 2021
Gwynne Roderick, RN, 7th floor medical unit, earned the DAISY Award for extraordinary, compassionate nursing care.
A co-worker nominated Roderick by writing: “Gwynne is super sweet and kind. As a float nurse, I never feel like I have a ‘home,’ but she makes me feel comfortable and welcome to the floor every time. She’s a wonderful charge nurse, and I’m never afraid to ask for help or ask questions. She is the embodiment of what Mercy stands for as she is compassionate and kind. I’m very thankful for her. I just wanted to say, ‘Thank you!’ You are an extraordinary nurse and person.”

May 2021
Chad Davis, RN, Medical Stepdown, earned the DAISY Award for extraordinary, compassionate nursing care.
A patient’s wife nominated Davis by writing: “Chad was so tender and caring for me when my husband was taken to Mercy due to COVID. His children are on the east coast, and when I had to notify them that their father’s prognosis was dire, Chad delivered the information with dignity and respect. Chad helped us call him using his own number to tell him how we loved him and each of us was able to sing one of his favorite songs. Chad helped us achieve a bit of closure. Not being able to be with him was unbearable for us all. We all want to express our gratitude to Chad for his understanding in this moment of our grief. He helped us so much. We love and respect Chad for delivering such caring nursing skills for my husband and those of us that loved him so much.”