
Mercy Quick Facts

Mercy Community Quick Facts

Mercy provider with patient Mercy has physician practices, outpatient facilities, urgent and acute care locations serving patients and families across Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma.
  • Earned the Excellence in Patient Experience Award as the top large health system in the country for patient experience, a distinction made by NRC Health, a leader in building personalized healthcare solutions and data-driven insights.
  • Recognized as one of the nation’s “Most Wired” for the 19th time by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives.
  • One of the country's top 10 most successful Accountable Care Organizations, improving the health of Medicare patients and saving the government $61 million in FY20 alone.
  • Ranked one of the 25 largest U.S. health systems and the nation's sixth most extensive Catholic system.
  • Signed first-of-its-kind training affiliation agreement with the U.S. Air Force Reserve Command to give Air Force medical reservists access to vital training at 12 Mercy hospitals.
  • Recognized by healthcare supply chain leader Global Healthcare Exchange (GHX) as a “Best 50” healthcare provider for supply chain excellence.
  • Recognized as one of the nation’s “Most Wired” for the 21st time by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives.
  • Newly released results from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) ranks Mercy No. 6 nationally in quality among the 20 largest Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) and the fourth highest taxpayer savings among all ACOs serving Medicare patients. Over the last six years, Mercy’s ACO has saved taxpayers $359.9 million dollars.
  • Chosen as one of only 42 health systems by Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to pioneer projects that will more quickly move research results into clinical care so patients will benefit sooner.
Key Historical Facts
  • The Sisters of Mercy were founded by Catherine McAuley, a Catholic woman, almost 200 years ago in Dublin, Ireland's bleakest society.
  • The first House of Mercy opened in 1827 in Dublin, Ireland.
  • The Sisters of Mercy were among the world's first religious orders not to be cloistered - confined to prayer and quietness within a convent. Instead, the Sisters went out into the communities where they lived to feed the hungry, care for the sick, and provide education. They were named the "Walking Sisters" because of this unique attribute.
  • The Sisters of Mercy take a fourth vow of service to the poor, sick and uneducated, in addition to the traditional three vows of all religious orders: chastity, poverty and obedience.
  • During the Crimean War in the mid-1800s, the Sisters of Mercy worked alongside Florence Nightingale. Mercy's nursing model today was influenced by Nightingale and the care she provided alongside the Sisters of Mercy.
  • The first Mercy Hospital in the world opened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1857.
  • In the late 1800s, the Sisters of Mercy in St. Louis worked with United Railways Company to offer its employees the first pre-paid health insurance in the country. Around the same time, the Sisters of Mercy in Joplin, Missouri, did something similar by offering care to miners for as little as 25 cents a week.
  • By the late 1800s, the Sisters of Mercy founded more schools than any other religious order in the English-speaking world.
  • The Central Bank of Ireland honored Mercy founder Catherine McAuley for impacting Irish culture by putting her picture on a £5 note.
  • Many thriving hospitals built by the Sisters of Mercy began in unexpected places thanks to their foresight of how the population would shift - Mercy Hospital St. Louis was once an apple orchard and Mercy Hospital Oklahoma City was built on a cow pasture.
  • The Sisters of Mercy seek sainthood through the Roman Catholic Church for founder Catherine McAuley. She has already passed the first three steps and declared venerable.
  • Sisters of Mercy Health System, formed in 1986, transitioned in 2011 to one name - Mercy - across four states.
  • A 10-year collaborative agreement between Mercy and Mayo Clinic — a first-of-its-kind alliance between two large healthcare systems — will use data science to pinpoint diseases earlier and transform healthcare to a more predictive, proactive, preventive and wellness care-focused model.
  • Mercy Works on Demand is an app and on-demand platform that enables nurses to pick up extra shifts. This includes Mercy’s full and part-time nurses and other experienced nurses who want to pick up extra hospital shifts at Mercy when available.
  • From critically ill patients in the hospital to chronically ill patients at home, Mercy virtually monitors patients 24/7/365 using high-speed data and video connections and medically intervenes when and where patients need it with a comprehensive team approach.
  • Among the first healthcare systems in the U.S. to have a comprehensive, fully integrated electronic health record that provides real-time, paperless access to patient information and a record that follows each patient regardless of where they seek care at Mercy.
  • MyMercy, a free service allows patients to connect online with their doctors, see medical information, view test results, renew prescriptions, pay bills and schedule appointments and e-visits using a personal computer, tablet or smartphone.
  • Innovative TUG robots assist co-workers with pharmacy, linen, meal and other deliveries, freeing up time for more patient care.
  • Founding member of Coalition for Health AI (CHAI), formed to guide the responsible development and adoption of AI in health care.
  • Long-term collaboration with Microsoft Corp. using generative AI and other digital technologies to give physicians, advance practice providers and nurses more time to care for patients and improve patient experience.
  • Among the first health care [PB1] systems in the U.S. to have a comprehensive, fully integrated electronic health record that provides real-time, paperless access to patient information and a record that follows each patient regardless of where they seek care at Mercy.

Mercy By the Numbers (Fiscal Year 2024)

6th Largest

Catholic Health Care System in the U.S.

$9.27 billion

Operating Revenue

$10.68 billion

Net Assets

$163 million

Traditional Charity Care

$272 million

Unreimbursed Medicaid

$59 million

Other Community Benefits

33 Hospitals

Acute Care

17 Hospitals


3.8 million visits

Outpatient (Hospital & Clinic)

3,496 Beds


20 Facilities

Outpatient Surgery Centers

52,267 Co-workers


2,604 Physicians

Mercy Clinic

2,575 Providers

Advanced Clinic Practice

204,903 Discharges

Acute Inpatient

81 Facilities

Urgent Care & Convenient Care

204,802 Surgeries

Inpatient & Outpatient

782,247 Visits

Emergency Room

25,905 Births

Maternity Services

1,001 Practices


Community Quick Facts
