Mercy Behavioral Health in Perryville is a community mental health outpatient counseling center. We specialize in treating various mental health disorders, allowing our patients to meet with a psychiatrist and a therapist.
Therapists at Mercy Behavioral Health have earned master’s degrees and are credentialed and licensed to provide counseling. They offer a wide range of therapies, including:
Appointments with the psychiatrist are available every Tuesday and two Thursdays a month. Although referrals are unnecessary, medical records are required from the former treatment agencies. An assessment with a therapist is completed for every client before meeting with the psychiatrist. Our clinic accepts most private insurance, Medicare, and Missouri Medicaid, including Mo Health Net and Molina.
We currently have four therapists on staff. They work with all ages and in different settings: individual, couples, and family therapy sessions. Several types of treatment are available, including cognitive behavioral therapy, solution-focused therapy, EMDR (developed for anxiety disorders and PTSD), neuro-linguistic programming, and hypnotherapy. Appointments are available during the day as well as in the evening.
At Mercy, we offer comprehensive services to diagnose and treat a full range of conditions, including:
At Mercy, we offer compassionate care for a variety of treatment services, including: