Electroconvulsive therapy is an effective form of treatment. At Mercy Hospital St. Louis, it is offered in the ECT Suite on the fifth floor of the main hospital. The ECT Suite is open for ECT on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Treatment appointments are based on the times your treating physician is available. This may vary from time to time based on the doctor’s schedule and the number of patients being treated.
We recommend you or your physician contact our utilization review department regarding your insurance coverage for ECT at least 48 hours prior to requesting an ECT appointment.
In order to receive ECT treatments the following documentation and tests need to be received at least 24 hours before we can schedule an appointment:
Laboratory tests, including CBC and comprehensive metabolic panel
Chest X-ray (as directed by physician)
Pregnancy test for women still having periods
Medical history and physical including medical clearance for ECT
Depending on your medical condition, more information may be requested
Psychiatric evaluation
All of this information may be faxed to ECT: 314-251-5903.
Do not eat or drink after midnight before ECT. This includes water, soda, coffee and candy (all liquids and solid foods).
Do not drive yourself to the hospital.
Do not take your morning medicines unless we have asked you to do so.
If you should eat or drink before coming to the hospital, please call the ECT Department.
In case of emergency or a change in discharge time, we will need to be able to contact your family, friend or driver at all times.
For questions regarding the process, please call our office number: 314-251-6224