Mercy Breast Center - Chub O'Reilly Cancer Center

Women's Health
2055 S. Fremont Avenue, Suite 120
Springfield, MO 65804

Phone: (417) 820-2500
Fax: (417) 820-8155
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Services are provided by Mercy Hospital Springfield Learn more »

Breast Center Springfield, MO

Breast cancer and diseases can significantly affect a woman’s life. Our Mercy Breast Center team at the C.H. Chub O’Reilly Cancer Center works personally with you to ease the anxiety and stress that come from a diagnosis. We offer screening and diagnostic mammograms, plus expert follow-up care for all breast conditions, including cancer and other breast diseases. 

Mammography Scheduling Springfield, MO

Our staff works closely with you to provide a more comfortable patient experience. Fellowship-trained radiologists specialize in breast imaging, and a team of experienced technologists offers high-quality images. As part of our Mercy Cancer Care team in Springfield, MO, they work with our breast surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists to help you through screening, diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. Our breast care nurse navigators are also here to help guide your entire treatment process and answer any questions you have.

On-site breast and mammography services in Springfield, MO, include:

  • Advanced breast screening technology, including 3D mammography
  • Same-day diagnostic testing results
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Stereotactic and ultrasound-guided core biopsies
  • Wireless breast localizations

Abbreviated Breast MRI: Uncovering Hidden Breast Cancers

Mercy Breast Center at the C.H. Chub O’Reilly Cancer Center is the first location within Mercy to offer abbreviated breast MRI – an additional screening option for women with dense breast tissue who have an average risk of breast cancer.

Traditional breast MRI is typically only covered by insurance for women with a high risk of breast cancer. Abbreviated breast MRI, or fast breast MRI, is a high-quality, lower-cost option. It requires fewer images and takes just 20 minutes. Contrast dye is injected into the bloodstream to highlight breast abnormalities.

Abbreviated breast MRI isn’t covered by insurance, and the out-of-pocket cost is $350. This additional test doesn’t replace annual screening mammography. To schedule a scan or for more information, call 417.820.2500.

Detecting and treating breast cancer in its earliest stages

ACR Accredited Facility

ACR accreditation is the gold standard for ensuring patients receive quality radiological care & diagnostic treatment.

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