Laser Services

Laser Services Rogers AR

Our clinic in Rogers, Arkansas has more than 10 years of experience in cosmetic laser services. And we use the latest clinically proven techniques to help you achieve your best look. Our cosmetic laser services include:

  • Acne treatments - active acne and acne scars
  • Facial fillers - starting at $550
  • Botox® - $14.50 per unit |  XEOMIN - $11 per unit
  • Erbium peels - we offer several depth levels | prices start at $300 & range from minimal downtime to 5-7 days of downtime
  • Excessive underarm sweating - when antiperspirants haven’t worked, you may be a candidate for Botox® treatment | starts at $250 per treatment – Botox® included
  • 4D Lift ( - this procedure helps tighten the skin on the face, and jowl area | prices start at $1500 & this is a series of 3 treatments spaced 2 weeks apart
  • Facial veins - make them nearly disappear with this technique with no downtime | $50 - $150 per treatment
  • Fractional CO2 peel - tightens your skin and reduces brown spots and scars, including facial acne scars. Your skin may peel and slough some, so plan on 5 - 7 days of “downtime.” | $450-$550
  • Microdermabrasion - If you have acne, this treatment will help you look your best with no downtime by getting rid of blackheads, cleaning out your skin’s pores and sloughing off dead skin | $60 per treatment. Print this coupon to save $20 off of a microdermabrasion treatment.
  • Hair reduction and ingrown hair treatments - the price depends on area treated
  • Jessner Peel - $125 per treatment (includes microdermabrasion at the time of service)
  • Microneedling - smooths skin service & helps with tightening, large pores, and scars | starting at $200 per treatment
  • Photodynamic therapy - treat acne as well as those “crusty” spots on your face, scalp and ears (Actinic Keratosis) | usually covered under insurance and may cause some skin to peel | recommended downtime: 5 - 7 days
  • Rosacea laser therapy - shrink broken blood vessels with no downtime. To fully treat your skin, you’ll need 2 - 5 treatments, allowing one month between treatments | $175 per treatment
  • Skin rejuvenation - treat your skin to an allover “fresh” and “healthy” look with this treatment that tightens pores, lightens brown spots and helps tighten your skin’s collagen - all with no downtime | $200 per treatment (includes microdermabrasion)
Contact Us

For more information or an appointment, call Heather at 479-338-5570 or email [email protected].