Atherosclerotic vascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, are leading causes of death in the US. High cholesterol (lipids) and poor lifestyle habits are significant risk factors for these diseases. Mercy Lipid Center provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment of patients with high cholesterol and complex lipid disorders.
Our approach combines the efforts of a cardiologist and a nurse practitioner specially trained in clinical lipidology and when indicated, the services of a registered dietitian. We provide personalized assessment and and customized treatment plans for individuals with and without known vascular disease with the goal of decreasing risk for future vascular events.
You may be referred to the clinic by your doctor or call us directly. Whether you already know you have a cholesterol issue or are simply concerned about your risk of family history of heart attack or stroke, we will work with you to develop an indvidualized plan to help you reach your goals quickly and safely. Once we receive a referral from your doctor, we will contact you to schedule your appointment. You may also call us directly at one of our three locations to schedule an appointment without a referral.