Mercy Clinic Hepatology is the first non-university, primary liver practice in the St. Louis metro area. Our team of experienced physicians and medical staff works together to provide the community with excellent hepatology management and care.
Mercy Clinic Hepatology works closely with Mercy’s laboratory and radiology services to be certain of accuracy in testing and interpretation. They are also uniquely positioned to collaborate and take advantage of the remarkable wealth of medical resources and talent at Mercy Hospital St. Louis.
The office was designed with Mercy Signature Service in mind to insure patient comfort and satisfaction. We welcome the opportunity to participate in any patient’s medical management where a dedicated hepatology perspective may be helpful.
Liver function is essential for life. Indeed, the organ is so complex that a man-made substitute is far from being achieved. Liver disease affects more than one in 20 Americans. These diseases include metabolic, viral and toxin-induced illnesses (including alcohol), autoimmune illnesses, and many others. Liver disease can be quite insidious, so early detection requires a high index of suspicion; and successful outcomes require proper early management.
Management options for liver disease are evolving rapidly. While many liver diseases were previously untreatable, therapies developed within the past decade now allow successful outcomes for the majority of patients with viral hepatitis B and C, autoimmune liver disease, and in some cases, even the reversal of the liver fibrosis that leads to cirrhosis.
Mercy Clinic Hepatology provides cutting-edge treatments and a full range of services to allow detailed management of all aspects of liver disease for the best potential outcomes. Examples include the use of the latest therapies for viral hepatitis, close management for autoimmune liver diseases, and detailed counseling for fatty liver disease. The team at Mercy Clinic Hepatology welcomes the opportunity to help management people at any point in liver disease from those with asymptomatic liver test or imaging findings to those suffering with advanced hepatic insufficiency.
Dr. Bernstein was recently featured in a Bill McClellan column in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about the high cost of drugs for the treatment of Hepatitis C and his fight to help patients get their insurance companies to cover the cost.
At Mercy, we offer comprehensive services to diagnose and treat a full range of conditions, including: