Missouri Residents and Blue Cross Blue Shield patients getting care in Missouri: Click here for why Mercy issues notice to Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I being tested?

Your provider ordered testing for you because they and/or you would like to evaluate your cognition. Patients are typically referred to us for memory concerns, such as forgetfulness. However, there are several other reasons you may have been referred to our office, such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, or aphasia. Please ask your referring provider if you would like further clarification.

What can I expect at my appointment?

The following is how a typical appointment goes, but please be informed that our appointments vary based on the individual needs of each patient, so your appointment may be different.

Your neuropsychologist will first interview you. He or she will ask you routine demographic and medical history questions, as well as inquire about your specific complaints/concerns, your daily routine, and any other applicable questions.

They will then escort you to a testing room where you will begin your evaluation with one of our trained assistants, known as a psychometrist. Your neuropsychologist will have selected a custom test battery that will address and investigate your specific concerns/conditions, as well as assess your other various brain functions (memory, concentration, comprehension, and more). These tests consist mainly of pencil-to-paper and verbal tasks. You will be able to perform all tasks while seated. You will likely test for about an hour to an hour-and-a-half and then take a 10-15-minute break while the assistant checks in with your neuropsychologist to see what other tests to administer. After that, you will resume testing with the assistant until you have completed the exam. Once the testing is complete, your neuropsychologist will speak with you and let you know when to expect your results and feedback.

How can I prepare for my appointment?

Get a good night’s sleep and eat breakfast/lunch before your appointment. Additionally, please take all your medications as usual and as prescribed.

Do I need to bring anyone with me, and do they need to stay the entire time?

You are not required to bring anyone to your appointment but may choose to bring someone that knows you well and can speak with your neuropsychologist to help provide insight into your concerns. This is typically a family member or close friend, and he/she may leave after the interview. If he/she needs to pick you up afterwards, please provide us with his/her contact number and let us know how much time he/she needs to get back to the hospital. Someone from our office will call him/her when it is appropriate.

What happens after my testing/When will I know my results?

Typically, your neuropsychologist will speak with you to let you know when to expect your results and answer any questions. Patients will usually speak with their neuropsychologist about their results within a week of testing, but since every patient is different, this is subject to change. Your referring provider will receive a copy of your results as well.

What if I have other questions not answered here?

Please reply to our MyMercy+ message or call us and we will assist you. Our phone number is (314) 251-4683. You may need to leave a voicemail, but we will return your call as soon as we are able to.

New Patients

We welcome new patients and accept most insurance plans. For more information about our services, or to schedule an appointment, please call 314-251-4683.