The Good Samaritan provides medical services Monday through Friday by appointment and operates just as a primary care clinic does, except our services are free and are exclusively for the uninsured. The clinic treats children 18 years of age and older and adults in the community for acute and chronic illnesses. This is done with great human dignity and no cost on-site.
Free lab and some radiology testing are available off-site. Prescriptions and referrals to specialists generally are not free. Not provided on-site are pregnancy care, pre-employment physicals, dental care, eye care or treatment involving emergencies, accidents or workers' compensation.
Returning and new clients must make an appointment. To schedule an appointment please call 405-506-7327.
Licensed Medical Professionals: family practice, Internal medicine, mid-level professionals (advanced practitioners)
Malpractice is provided by the State of Oklahoma
Administrative: clerical tasks, answer phone, schedule appointments and data entry.
EPIC is used for patient chart documentation as well as scheduling.
Pharmacy: will provide medication for those who cannot afford prescriptions.
This allows for application to be made to RX Oklahoma.
Volunteers needed for our Good Samaritan clinic.