If you have any further questions, please call our admissions department at (314) 881-4000.
Choosing the right inpatient rehabilitation facility can be a stressful task. We at Mercy Rehabilitation Hospital in St. Louis are here to help by making your transition into our facility seamless.
Admissions Process
The admissions process requires a referral and begins with a phone call to our admissions coordinator. A referral can be made from the following sources:
- Acute-care hospitals
- Long-term acute-care hospitals
- Skilled nursing facilities
- Assisted living facilities
- Home health agencies
- Emergency rooms
- Family or friends
Once you’ve been referred to our facility a clinical liaison will be sent to complete a free clinical evaluation to determine your medical stability and suitability for admission. Our admissions department will then work with your referral source, insurance company, physician, and the discharge planner to coordinate your transfer to our facility.
Upon your arrival, you will be greeted by a nurse and introduced into your new surroundings. Various staff members will stop by and introduce themselves to you and your family within the first 24 hours of your arrival. Our therapy staff will begin their evaluations to complete your plan of care, specifically designed to meet your personal rehabilitation goals. Also, our dietitian will meet with you to prepare a meal plan that meets your nutritional needs.
This process is designed to help us determine your specific level of injury and coordinate a plan of care that will allow you to reach maximum functional independence.
Admissions Criteria
- Patients must have an appropriate rehab-related diagnosis as determined by the admitting physician and accepting administrator of the hospital.
- The patient must be medically stable and able to participate in three hours of therapy a day, or 15 hours of therapy each week.
- The patient must exhibit the desire to participate in therapies.
- The patient must be at least 18 years of age.
- Patients must have the potential to participate and benefit from therapy.
- Patients must have the potential to achieve measurable rehabilitation objectives.
- The patient must require the skilled services of at least two therapy disciplines (physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology).
- Patients must require the specialized care of a physician with expertise in physical medicine and rehabilitation.
What to Bring
Here are a few suggestions of what to bring when you arrive at our hospital. You may be asked to bring your own medications in order to ensure proper medicine management. Please keep all valuable items at home. You will need to have a caregiver or family member take care of your laundry needs, as our facility does not provide those services.
Bring at least a one-week supply of washable, loose-fitting clothing, including:
- Pants/shorts
- Shirts/blouses
- Underwear
- Socks
- One pair of comfortable walking shoes - preferably tie. Athletic shoes or shoes with non-slip soles are fine. If ankle or foot braces are to be used, talk with your therapist before buying shoes.
- Slippers with non-slip soles
- Outdoor jacket/sweater
- Pajamas (the hospital gowns and pants are available if needed)
- Hearing aids with batteries (if you use them)
- Eyeglasses or contact lenses (also, if needed)
Optional items:
*Please note Mercy Rehabilitation Hospital staff members are required to inspect all personal electrical equipment prior to being approved for use. This is done in order to ensure that the item is safe. This applies to electric razors, radios, earphones, hair dryers and other electronic items.
Discharge Criteria
Patients will be discharged from inpatient rehabilitation when one or more of the following criteria are met:
- Treatment goals are met.
- Our rehab team determines that the patient has only a limited potential to benefit from further treatments and rehab services.
- The intensity of our inpatient rehabilitation services is no longer required.
- The patient fails to make measurable functional progress.
- The patient is unwilling to fully participate in the program (i.e., refuses therapy).
- A medical condition, or treatment for a medical condition (e.g., daily chemotherapy, radiation, etc.), excludes the patient from full participation in the program.
- The patient requires surgery.
- The patient’s funding source denies further coverage and the patient and family decline to pay out of pocket.
- The patient and/or significant other declines further service.