Hormone Replacement Therapy


What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy? 

As women approach menopause, their bodies gradually make less estrogen and progesterone. Lower hormone levels can cause a variety of symptoms, including hot flashes, sleep issues, mood changes and vaginal dryness. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is medication that relieves menopause symptoms by replacing the hormones the body is missing. 

What Are the Types of HRT?

If HRT is right for you, your doctor may recommend one of these types:

  • Estrogen therapy – Estrogen can be taken in many forms, such as pills, skin patches, gels and sprays. If vaginal dryness is the main symptom, it can be treated with vaginal rings, tablets or creams that contain small doses of estrogen.
  • Combination therapy – This type of HRT combines estrogen and progesterone to reduce uterine cancer risk, which is higher with estrogen therapy alone. Combination therapy typically comes in the form of pills or skin patches.

Some forms of estrogen and progesterone are bioidenticals made from plants. Learn how they can be customized by talking with your Mercy doctor.

What Are the Side Effects of HRT?

Many women who take HRT don’t notice side effects. For those who do, the most common side effects are irregular vaginal bleeding, breast tenderness or mood changes. 

What Are the Benefits of HRT?

HRT brings relief for menopause symptoms, but it has other health benefits, too. HRT may lower your risk of bone loss and diabetes, and combination therapy helps reduce colon cancer risk. 

 What Are the Risks of HRT?

HRT risks depend on the type of therapy, dose and length of time it’s taken. HRT can increase your risk of developing certain health conditions, including:

  • Blood clots
  • Breast cancer
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Uterine cancer (if you take estrogen only)

Having a history of any of these conditions further increases your risk. 

If menopause symptoms are affecting your quality of life, Mercy can help. Talk with your doctor about HRT and other treatments that can make you feel more like yourself again.

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