Urgent care is not a substitute for emergency care. Serious or life-threatening problems should be handled in the emergency room. If your child experiences any of the following symptoms, don't wait! Call 911 or get to your nearest hospital ER.
Loss of consciousness
Severe abdominal pain
Difficulty breathing/shortness of breath
Fever with stiff neck, dark rash, inconsolable crying or difficulty waking up
Deep cuts or bleeding that won't stop
Coughing up or vomiting blood
Severe burns
Allergic reaction with difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, or swelling of the tongue, lips or airway
Vomiting, blurred vision, severe headache, loss of motor skills or bleeding from the nose/ears following a fall or head injury
Signs of shock: chills, blue lips or fingernails, severe pain, dizziness or rapid breathing
Objects impaled in the body
Severe bites (animal or human)
Heat stroke, frostbite, hypothermia
For poisoning, call your local poison control center.