We are here to offer medical care to you and your family such as preventative exams, illnesses, injuries or consults. With our hospital access being right next door, we are able to do more for your care and keep you closer to home.
Unexpected health issue? See a care provider Monday - Friday, 8 - 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.; no appointment needed and acute care only.
Our new, extended phone hours:
M-F | 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Sat | 8 a.m. - noon
While our care team is still available to answer your medical concerns 24/7, we're extending our phone hours for non-medical needs, too. Call to schedule an appointment, request refills and more during our extended phone hours. Or use your MyMercy app or mercy.net anytime.
At Mercy, we offer comprehensive services to diagnose and treat a full range of conditions, including:
At Mercy, we offer comprehensive testing services to diagnose conditions and injuries, including:
At Mercy, we offer compassionate care for a variety of treatment services, including: