Break the Cycle of Addiction at Mercy Hospital Ada, OK
Substance use disorder is a medical condition and withdrawal symptoms should be treated by medical professionals in a hospital setting. BreakThru™ is a substance abuse program within Mercy Hospital Ada. It's a medically-based approach to managing withdrawal - and we treat addiction patients with compassion and concern for their dignity and confidentiality.
Covered by most major insurance carriers, Medicaid and Medicare. Other financing options are available.
Individualized Care and Treatment
At Mercy we understand that addiction patients need an individualized care plan and dedicated care team to get them over the initial stages of withdrawal and put them on the road to recovery.
BreakThru at Mercy Hospital Ada provides a coordinated approach to curing addiction by:
Managing withdrawal symptoms under medical supervision in a hospital setting
Creating a personalized aftercare discharge plan
Providing year-long follow-up ensuring that patients stay healthy
Withdrawal Management
Withdrawal is the most difficult phase of battling addiction. BreakThru's individualized withdrawal management helps get patients safely through this stage.
We provide:
A comfortable, safe and private hospital environment
Round-the-clock treatment and supervision by medical professionals trained in alleviating the effects of withdrawal
Medications based on the patient's condition, state of health and case history to minimize the symptoms and eliminate potential complications of withdrawal
Long-term Recovery
Relapse is common in addiction recovery. BreakThru addresses it with a patient-specific immediate aftercare discharge plan: a step-by-step guide to helping patients stay drug- and alcohol-free after treatment.
BreakThru also provides long-term recovery management and follow-up to check general health, sobriety and levels of engagement in treatment programs.
If you or someone you know is suffering from substance use disorder, please contact BreakThru at Mercy Hospital Ada.
Hospital Patient & Visitor Information
Complimentary Screenings
Complimentary screenings are available for our BreakThru™ program. For more information and to schedule call 580-768-0774.