Title XIX, or “Traditional Medicaid,” is a program designed to make sure people who need health care can get it, even if they can’t afford it or don’t have health insurance. Medicaid is a program that is jointly provided and funded by both state and federal governments. Every state in the U.S. has its own Medicaid program.
Medicaid helps families and individuals become or remain independent and able to care for themselves. Medicaid provides health coverage to many Americans, including eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with disabilities.
Medicaid Managed Care is the program that oversees how Medicaid health benefits and other services get to the people who need them. Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) are private companies that work with the government to provide these services.
Your state’s Medicaid agency works with managed care organizations (MCOs) to:
Mercy is in-network with several Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma traditional and Managed Medicaid health plans. Look at the state-specific information below for more details on what plans Mercy’s contracted with, plan eligibility and how to find a Mercy provider.
Arkansas (PASSE Managed Medicaid Only)
Kansas (includes Mercy Joplin, Carthage, Columbus and Springfield are clinic providers)
No. Medicare is designed for people who are over 65. Medicaid is designed for people of all ages who need health care. This includes people under 65 with disabilities as well as those who may have limited income and resources.
You must first determine if you qualify for Medicaid and then apply for it. Each state has their own standards for eligibility. You can find those in the state-specific information below.
Arkansas PASSE
Each state has its own online application portal. You can find them in the state-specific information below.
In addition, if patients need assistance in determining eligibility and applying for Medicaid of their state of residence, contact Eligibility Services Call Center - 844-764-6850 (option 3).
A primary care physician, also called a PCP, is a doctor who takes care of you and helps you stay healthy. Having access to a PCP improves quality of life, especially for vulnerable patients. Most Medicaid programs require or highly encourage patients to select a PCP upon enrollment. See state-specific information below.
For a list of Mercy Primary Care Providers, visit our website under the "Find a Provider" section. Plan provider directories are also available on each plan’s website to help in this decision.
Medicaid covers essential health services, meaning those services that are necessary to preserve life. Medicaid covers things like emergency medical, preventive care, maternity services, inpatient/outpatient services, Healthy Children and Youth (HCY) and services such as physical exams and immunizations (shots), behavioral health and substance use disorders. It doesn’t cover services like cosmetic surgery. In some states, Medicaid also covers dental services.
Depending on your state, age, income, health and individual needs, people who may be eligible for Medicaid include:
Arkansas PASSE
It depends on the plan you choose. You’ll need to check if your doctor is in the plan’s network. Plans often charge more for out-of-network doctors or may not cover them at all.
You can still get coverage, possibly through Medicare or through the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Visit Mercy’s Medicare page here.
Visit the ACA Exchange page here.
Arkansas Medicaid Programs
Illinois Medicaid Programs
Kansas Medicaid Programs
Oklahoma Medicaid Programs
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